To The Students

To The Students

  • Class work and Home work assigned by the teacher should be done regularly and submitted for correction on due date. Late submissions shall not be evaluated.
  • Students will not be sent home in emergency with anyone other than the parents.
  • Students shall always uphold the dignity of the institution by their noble behaviour, polite language and gentle demeanour.
  • Students shall maintain perfect silence in the library and use books with utmost care and follow the rules of library.
  • Refinement of manners, habits of obedience and order neatness in persons and dress and punctuality are required at all time.
  • The morning session begins with the assembly which all the student is expected to join. Parents must ensure that their child is punctual.
  • Student shall be responsible for safe custody of their belongings. As a precautionary measure, it is suggested that they have their names inscribed on articles like tiffin carriers, umbrellas, school bags, shoes, and belt.
  • The handbook is to kept intact and neat all through the year. It should be replaced if once lost. A fine will be levied for replacing a lost handbook.
  • Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. For this a student has to learn self-control of his/her emotions and impulses. He /she must learn to live in harmony with others by respecting the customs and traditions of others and society by keeping the laws of the country and by obeying the commandments of God.
  • Order and Discipline must be the hall- marks of the school. For this an atmosphere of silence must be maintained by everyone during the working hours in class-rooms, staff-rooms and office. Thus everyone should contribute to maintain an excellence of standards in everything.
  • Cleanliness is a pre-requisite of orderliness. Therefore, all the class-rooms, corridors and the campus, as a whole, must reflect this in our school, which aims at bringing up an atmosphere of godliness.
  • Everyone must bet acquainted with the rules and regulations of the school given in this handbook besides the timely instructions given by notices issued. Ignorance of rules will not be accepted as an excuse.
  • Students arriving on school campus before the first bell will have to go straight to their respective class-rooms and busy with the day lesions, exercises or homework, in silence. They must not be seen outside their class-rooms or in the play grounds.
  • At the first bell, both the students and the staff shall assemble in the quadrangle of the school as in the class order. On dispersal the students move to their own class-rooms in perfect order, with their respective class-teachers. Late comers shall not enter the class; but report themselves to the principal/teacher designate. Habitual late coming will not be tolerated, but will be seriously viewed.
  • When the teacher enter the class-room, all the students stand up, greet him/ her and remain standing until they are asked to sit or the teacher takes his/her seat. They shall thank the teacher when the class is over.
  • Students shall not leave their class-rooms during or in between two periods, but remain silent and prepare for the next period. When they are taken out to library, laboratory or playgrounds, they have to move in two lines keeping to the left side of the corridors.
  • Students shall not enter any classroom other than his/her own at any time.
  • The class-rooms, corridors and the school premises shall be kept neat and clean. No littering is expected. Waste paper or other waste materials must always throw into the waste boxes provided. They may always take care that the display boards, walls furniture, blackboards, shelves etc., are kept neat and in order.
  • The students and staff are expected to speak only in English once they enter the school campus except in language classes. Each one should endeavour to keep high the refined tone of the school by excelling in good manners and deportment.
  • To build up the character of students, to create faith in God, to make them understand the true meaning of life and to inculcate in them ethical and moral values, religious and moral instruction are offered to all the students.

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